If you are lucky enough to have a period sink or wash-hand basin in your home, you may have noticed that there is crazing in the glaze of the porcelain, especially where there are little depressions built into the sink to take bars of soap.
Although this crazing does not seem to affect the integrity or strength of the sink, it can be unsightly and the crazed areas are often quite dirty looking, even when they’ve been thoroughly cleaned.
When company’s talk about resurfacing, re enamelling, refinishing or reglazing your bathroom sink they basically mean the same thing. All of these terms simply describe a way of restoring the sink to new without removal. We can resurface ceramic sinks as well as toilet, showers and of course enamel baths.
At The Bath Business we can resurface or re enamel your period sink without removal. After re enamelling or resurfacing, your sink will have lost the crazing in its surface and it will now be very easy to clean. We can also re enamel the sink pedestal too if there is one.

Many antique or period sinks or wash stands also have cracks in them, quite in addition to any crazing. The crazing is just in the glaze of the sink, and is made up of lots of very short little lines, usually about the width of a finger nail or less.
A crack, on the other hand, has gone through the porcelain itself. It will tend to look like a line across the sink and can be inches long. Sometime there can be several lines radiating out from a single point.
We can resurface a sink with a crack in it, as long as the crack itself is stable and not still growing. If you are unsure whether or not it has stabilised out, then the best option is probably to put off resurfacing it for a while and just observe the sink over a period of time, looking to see if the crack gets any bigger. Once the crack is stable and you’re sure it isn’t growing it should be fine to resurface the sink.
We can also resurface basins or washstands and retain their logo’s in the process of doing so. This is a very specialised restoration process. As far as we know The Bath Business is the only company in the UK that can offer this service. Antique sinks by such company’s such as John Bolding of London can have lovely ornate logo’s that are well worth retaining. Ask us about this service if you would like to retain the logo on your wash stand.
We can also resurface the sink in a different colour, for example we can resurface a green sink and change it to white.
It goes without saying we frequently restore antique cast iron baths, bidets, and toilets as well as sinks or wash hand basins. We can also restore antique Belfast sinks. Most people really have these sinks for show nowadays but if you are planning on using your Belfast sink extensively then, as they are used more extensively than bathroom sinks and are prone to have pots and pans etc thrown in them, it is advisable to use a plastic bowl to help protect the belfast sink from normal staining or damage due to wear or tear. If you chose to replace the old Belfast sink with a new one, then, it would still be advisable to use a bowl to protect it. They do scratch and stain fairly easily.
- Repairing Cracked Sinks
- Restoring Antique Sinks
- Restoring Shower Trays
- Resurfacing a Bath or Bathroom Suite
- Tap Restoration & Replating
If you have an antique bath or bathroom suite contact us for a free quote.
Adding Classic Victorian and Edwardian Touches to Your Bathroom
Getting Something New Out of Your Old Bath
Complete Bathroom Suite Restoration
Maintain Antique Fixtures with Restoration Services